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Top 6 Effective Strategies To Lower The Risk Of Oral Cancer

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Oral Cancer

The symptoms of an oral cancer patient can differ depending on the type of malignancy.

Not everyone experiences irritation or discomfort. The symptoms may not even be present in the initial phases.

Because of this, mouth cancer is frequently detected only after it has progressed. But, it might have already migrated to the lymph nodes.

The typical warning indications of mouth and throat cancer, however, are as follows:

  • Never-ending mouth sores
  • mouth bleeding for more than a week that is persistent
  • Slow-growing tumours in the mouth or neck
  • Mouth soreness that has persisted for more than two weeks
  • Significant vocal changes, especially in smokers
  • Numbness on the lower lip and chin
  • Both ear discomfort is persistent.

These 6 tips will help you safeguard against this illness that could be fatal.

#1. Maintain good oral hygiene

Practising good oral hygiene is the foundation of oral health and a critical factor in lowering the risk of oral cancer.

Brush and floss your teeth every day. Regular mouthwash use is also necessary for maintaining oral cleanliness.

A dirty mouth increases the risk of infection. Chronic oral conditions raise the risk of oral cancer.

#2. Avoid using tobacco

Smoking is the main factor that causes oral cancer. At least 75% of oral cancer patients over 50 smoke, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation.

Despite being promoted as a healthier option than cigarettes, “smokeless” chewing or spitting tobacco is just as lethal for mouth cancer even while it lessens the risk of lung cancer.

Mouth cancer is mainly brought on by tobacco usage in all forms. Therefore, stopping this chemical is the best action to prevent oral cancer.

#3. Limit your alcohol consumption

The present consumption of alcohol is yet another factor that increases the chances of oral cancer. This substance can cause inflammation of cells in the mouth and thus quickly turn into cancerous cells.

The risk is more pronounced for people who are both smokers and drinkers since alcohol used in conjunction with cigarettes leads to oral cancer.

To lower your risk, it’s essential to consume alcohol in moderation. The general guideline is to limit alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

If you’re concerned about your alcohol consumption, consider seeking advice from your healthcare provider or exploring resources to help you reduce your intake.

#4. Consume a nutritious diet

Among the most significant actions you can do to stay healthy is to alter your diet, as some foods can impact your risk of acquiring cancer.

Dentists recommend a balanced diet with a focus on plant-based foods. If you eat meat, limit your intake to fish, poultry, or lean beef cuts and make sure you get fruits and vegetables daily.

#5. Examine your mouth and lips regularly for any irregularities

Self-examination is a proactive way to detect early signs of oral cancer. Once a month, take a few minutes to check your mouth and lips for any unusual changes or irregularities.

Look for sores that don’t heal, lumps, white or red patches, and areas of swelling or pain. Pay attention to any persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing, or changes in your voice.

If you notice anything unusual, don’t wait—schedule a thorough examination with your dentist or healthcare provider.

Early detection is critical in successfully treating oral cancer, and a regular self-exam can make a significant difference.

#6. Visit your dentist regularly

Get your teeth checked regularly. Schedule an appointment with your dentist at least once every six months and request an oral cancer screening.

You can protect yourself from this potentially fatal virus using the six measures listed above.

Remember that early identification, diagnosis, and therapy are the best opportunities to treat the problem successfully.

Oral Health Care at Leederville

Your chance of developing cancer may be affected by your lifestyle choices.

Therefore, if you’re interested in cancer prevention, take comfort in the knowledge that even small changes to your lifestyle can significantly impact you.

Dentists on Vincent Leederville are here to look after each smile and oral health.

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Our dentist’s office provides a kid-friendly setting as we manage your treatment anxiety.

We take the time to explain all of your options and how we can make you smile confidently.

We look forward to having you visit our office. Call (08) 9242 4400 or make your appointment online today for a consultation. We assure you that you will be happy you did.

Visit us at 322 Vincent St in Leederville.

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Contact Info

Dentists on Vincent Leederville

Address: 322 Vincent St, Leederville, WA 6007

Phone: (08) 9242 4400

Email: smile@dentistsonvincent.com.au

Opening Hours

Mon: Closed

Tue: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Wed: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM

Thu: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Sat: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM (by appointment)

Sun: Closed


There is ample car parking across the road from the practice

There are cafes and eateries within walking distance


Dentists on Vincent is located in Leederville, 14 min from Northbridge and only short stroll from Leederville Oval and Water Corporation

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